A Killer’s View of Society

by The Grand Ayatollah Drewcifer Drewmani Drew Kazinsky

Every Man, Woman, and Child were killed

Their innocent blood was spilled

On the kitchen floor and splattered on the walls

As a result of a bad drug deal

That had gone wrong

Now the whole family is dead

No more Dad, no more Mom

The Killer is sick in the head

The kind of man not fond of Love

And sees Life always in Red

Pure anger and pellucid hatred

For a World filled with people fakin’ and hatin’

Who lock themselves away in a Barnes and Noble bathroom stall masturbatin’

To magazines fresh off the Newsstand

And they don’t consider this as any sort of violation

Because the magazines never left the store

So how can they be stolen and really,

What is wrong with a little semi-public self-gratification?

So is it any surprise?

That the Killer had no pity

Or shitty remorse in his implacable eyes

As he stares at the corpse

He does not feel a damn thing and why should he?

She was just a whore

Of this materialistic World we all live in

Filled with liars and false prophets of apocryphal religions

Where even the dishonest priests truly believes the lies they are givin’

As the subtle glow of the full moon caresses him,

The Killer is diggin’

A hole for the dead woman in the kitchen

Cut and bled out

The sick nut then gutted her

Dismembered at the joints,

Removing flesh from the bone

Stopping only to sniff lines of coke mixed with oxy-codone

Trade name Oxy-Cottin

Guns, marijuana, cocaine, and prescription drugs is like a Stockton

Christmas with stockin’

Stuffers and every-thang

The Killer does not worry about the Police because he is Rich

And just like any other street gang

The cops can be paid off

In a currency of paper bills often said to be snuggly soft

This is The American Way

Where there is no Black or White (except on the streets)

There is only grey

In this so-called Justice System

Where so-called protectors of society prosecutes folks for simply livin’

The Serial Killer is a bad guy, Ladies and Gents, that’s right

And as you sit at home learning about The World

Only from the five o’clock news every night

You discover you are brainwashed and can no longer find the will-power to fight

When the knock on the front door sounds

On some bitterly cold, rainy night

Men from the Government will come to lock you away

For the rest of your senseless live

And I bet all you wonder about

Is if the Serial Killer you saw on television is still alive……



Drew Kazinsky

January 19, 2012

West Stockton, California

Westies 209